The Legend of Pufferfish Pat A Tall Tale for Mad Times

Click Here to read the review by DC Theater Arts
September 13, 2017
“The goal of The Legend of Pufferfish Pat was to create a work in which families can hear characters share their tips and ideas for managing angry feelings and see characters modeling different anger management strategies. But don’t tell the kids that. The kids will just know that they are having fun!”
Click Here to read the review by DC Theatre Scene
September 14, 2017
“The most impressive aspect to the piece is the clever manner in which various themes are subtlety reenforced....Also impressive is the manner in which a secondary theme regarding gender plays out. Without preaching or knocking a brick wall onto the audience, the script also makes a point of encouraging us to embrace choices outside of traditional gender expectations.”
Click Here to read the review by MD Theatre Guide Five Stars!
September 13, 2017
“Pufferfish Pat was a Top Five Show of the Week, Pufferfish Pat is charming and funny with versatile actors!”
Click Here to read the review by Theatre Bloom Five Stars!
September 11, 2017
“Ali Oliver-Krueger’s play is smart, simply put. It teaches a lesson without feeling preachy or pedantic, and it is easily accessible to kids of all ages, even relevant to adults! The words and descriptions that Oliver-Krueger uses to accurately express what it feels like to have an anger attack are vivid and extremely relatable. Oliver-Krueger expresses the importance of anger being a normal human emotion and the fact that it can be healthy to feel it while acknowledging the fact that there are healthy ways in which it can be expressed. She manages to do this in a fashion that is accessible to young audiences without feeling too childish and it makes the story full of heart and great learning opportunities.”